then suddenly I feel the need to.
but now I've remembered, guess Im gonna be writing regularly again.
Its this personal project Im planning to carry on. Call it my "Project Therapy".
ANYWAY I had this urge to write so.. urgent that I decided to put it up on fb instead. guess I'll be posting that here then.
Yes, til I have the luxury of time to regurgitate whatever I have in my mind, this will be I have been feeling under the weather its not the exams, but yes they do cast a grey cloud over my its not the flu, tho admittedly my constant need of tissue irks me.I think its just me, missing the old times.The places, the people, the food, the activities, the scenery, the habits and cultures.the sights sounds smells feels of everything.I have always missed them, true, but I think my last trip to the lil red dot just made it worse.I think its like I get to do what I've wanted to do all along, and yet had so little time for it that I only managed todo very few of em. Its like the touch-and-go kinda feeling. Like I wasnt allowed to truly reminisce.To truly let myself get lost in the moment and just enjoy sinking in happiness.Im not really making sense here, am I? Hmm. I guess the best I can do to describe the feeling is like this:Imagine you haven’t had a cupcake for years. And its one of those things you really really love.Now imagine that one day, out of the blue, you are told that you’d be getting one.Imagine the surprise, then the super elated, excited, pure joy that you feel after the numbness of the shock fades away and the reality sinks in.Then you really do get the cupcake, and you’re holding it in your hand nibbling it. Trying to savour it to the last bite because you haven’t had it for ages and you truly love it and who the hell knows when you can get another. But there’s a catch; you have to eat it in a super short time-limit.And just as you were starting to sink in relish, your time was up and the cupcake was taken from you.Now you can say that you’re happy and grateful that you had the cupcake, but the truth is you would be left with an even bigger longing for it now that you have been given a taste of it.Keyword : even bigger longing.This is starting to affect me in the worst ways. It even showed up for some of my friends to see. Today I sat chatting with some of my friends and they pointed out how depressed I sound in the tweets I made the other day. They knew I miss Singapore too. Well, that’s embarrassing. I need to find a way to channel these thoughts so I don’t get mental. Suddenly I remember something a friend told me a way back. Something about how writing about her worries helped her survives another day and just overcome the stress a little.Writing!This is my therapy. I’m starting a little personal project. I will be writing about what I miss at the time and hope it helps lighten the load. Already I feel better just by writing this post. Idiot. Why didn’t I think of this sooner?Another thought formed in my head. I can use the writings as a reminder, so that I won’t forget.Well its unlikely I would forget something or someone I love that easily, but I cant rely on my memories alone.A written record would be better. And then I can read back and smile !My heart’s set on this. Im gonna make this project last. Just like how Katniss kept filling in her dad’s book until there’s nothing else she can think of putting in. Besides, I need the practice. Dont want my English getting rusty.But today Im gonna go back to my calculus, so wont be starting now.Til then,
Yours truly.